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Parental Alienation Questionnaire

Parental Alienation has been defined as a group of behaviors that effect a child’s mental and emotional well-being and can interfere with a relationship of a child and either parent. These behaviors are often accompanied by high conflict marriages, separation or divorce. These behaviors, whether verbal or non-verbal, can cause a child to be mentally manipulated into believing a loving parent is the cause of all their problems, and/or the enemy, to be feared, disrespected or avoided. 

Obviously, these behaviors can impede a child’s upbringing which means any behaviors from either parent should be caught early and treated before further damage occurs. Parental alienation is a serious issue as it prevents both parents from being actively and positively involved in a child’s life.

Take a few minutes to read over these questions, if you answer YES to most of these questions or if you have concerns of parental alienation, consider contacting our agency for a consultation with one of our experts: 561-429-2140

1. Have you or your former spouse ever taken the children without notification for an extended period of time?

2. Do you or your former spouse prevent communication between a parent and the children?

3. Do you and your former spouse have a very difficult time communicating and co-parenting?

4. Do you or your former spouse manipulate the children into thinking negatively about the other parent?

5. Do you or your former spouse prevent visitation between parent and children?

6. Do you or your former spouse consistently interrupt visitation or phone time with the other parent?

7. Have your children ever stated they are resentful of you or your former spouse?

8. Do you or your former spouse say negative things about the other parent in front of the children?

9. Do you or your former spouse intentionally and consistently fail to inform the other parent regarding important decisions regarding the children?

10. Do you or you former spouse consistently and intentionally fail to notify the other parent of important events (such as school ceremonies, or recitals)?

11. Do you or your former spouse tell the children personal information about the divorce that should be withheld?

12. Have you or your spouse failed to inform the other parent about relocating with the children?

13. Do you or your former spouse claim that the children do not wish to visit or speak with the other parent?

14. Do you or your former spouse manipulate information out of the children?

15. Do you or your former spouse encourage blame towards the other parent?

16. Have your children started strongly resisting their scheduled timesharing with you or your former spouse, despite no history of abuse or maltreatment?

17. Do you or your former spouse schedule all of your children’s desirable extracurricular activities during the targeted parent’s regular timesharing schedule?

19. Does your child use adult language and know the intimate details and reasons for your separation with your former spouse?

20. Is there no rational or logical explanations for your child’s newly formed hatred for you?


*This questionnaire is for informational purposes and is not meant to diagnose or treat Parental Alienation. 

If the answer to the majority of these questions was “Yes”, it may be advisable to seek the assistance of a mental health professional who is qualified to assess and treat the symptoms of parental alienation. For more information on how our experts can help, please call us today at 561-429-2140.

Psychological Center

View Comments

  • What about more questions around relocation and abduction?

    Did you consult with the other parent around relocation and were they unhappy about the situation? Did they give concent?
    Did you fail to leave a forwarding address?
    Did you not involve the other parent in being next of kin of school enrollments? Dr's and hospital enrollments and keep them informed of illhealth?
    Did you encourage, co-operate and help facilitate visitation?
    Did you prioritise the other parent's holiday visitation?
    Did you pay for all of the transport costs of visitation?
    Did you move so far away so that you did not have to co-parent?
    Did you move away to gain more child support?

    • All solid questions that could and should absolutely be explored, especially in relocation cases. Thank you for the feedback!

  • Every single questions is a yes. There is not one that I could say isn't happening. in 300days I have only seen my children for 12 hours. Supervised from false allegations that have be investigated. All have been found unsupported. My Ex is a LCSW and has used it and her connections of the system of the courts. My children are now brainwashed and I am working hard to get them to a therapist that understands PAS and can help them. In my rural area I have not found anyone who as ever even heard of PAS

  • I have 2 child support cases that are draining me dry, I have been divorced 2 times and both of my ex's were and are now alienating me from my children the long term affects are that I have no relationship whatsoever with my kids, through numerous phone calls and texts, and warnings through the courts thee has nothing tht has been done in my defense to remedy the alienation, my daughter is 20 years old and in college now, I try so hard to be there for her with no reciprocation in return, she wants absolutely nothing to do with me, as for my son I have notified the mother plenty of times through phone calls which 8 have now been blocked, and numerous emails to her on facebook messaging requesting visitation with my son, but no replies on her part, bit everytime they ran to the court for more money it was granted I want to sue to have my orders suspended I am now unjustly in the arrears $40,000.00 and climbing , even though I have been paying my child support since they were born, child support services adds on thier interest which is impeccable. There has to be a stop to this, california is the state that awards the highest amount I was paying $1,075.00 for one support and $1,000.00 for another, which I could not afford being that I had a wife and four kids to support, The government needs to make laws to protect the fathers and not just the mothers.

  • All the above for him plus I made him watch the video and the alienator who leaves behind the five finger prints and all I could say was but I'm not doing that he stressed the word I'm and I told him but that's what's going on here he also said the next day that wow if he can do that brainwasher is what I'm referring to I wonder what else I could do my daughter's been severely brainwashed into hating me I'm the only parent for 16 years in this child's life I knew something was going on I knew something was wrong and I know she was mad at me when she went to live with them but I also know she would have been doing her visitations it wouldn't be like this I need help

  • I have been dealing with this issue for over 20 years. Recently my daughter dropped a card off at my home saying that if I can act adult and follow her "rules" I could e-mail her. After two e-mails, all very short like 3 sentences each she stopped.

    So why I wonder reach out to me? the tone of her card was not friendly or inviting , rather a hurtful tone.She did this 15 yrs. ago also. game playing? Frankly after all these years I've moved on as I no longer know this person. Not sure how to handle this. I wish her well, she has become successful, Masters, P.hd..doing well. Her father passed away in 2013, he was the one who turned her against me when I left him. Any suggestions would be appreciated

  • I answered yes to everyone my ex husband has done to me and I haven't done a single 1 to him but only currently only have 1 of our 3 children in my life.

  • Yes that's what I'm dealing with right now my daughter is almost 14 years old jer father got custody of our daughter in 2017 illegally the judge granted it without a court date and the father told me i' a text that my daughter will hate if I even survive that long and he alienated our daughter for 3 years no contact no visits he went against court orders he lost custody of our daug
    hter last year

  • I am desperate for help. My ex-husband is preventing me from having a healthy relationship with our daughter, so far my son and I are doing ok. HE tells me she resents me, that she doesn't like to talk to me, not to text her, not to help her with school activities when I do he states there's a problem with it that I'm harassing them. He comes into the room when we are talking on the phone sometimes they even hang up with me to go see what he wants. He requested that I have a regular time to talk to them even though the papers don't say this but he says its to guarantee I have access to them when they are busy out and about even though they have a cell phone. MY daughter is very short with me on the phone recently but this summer we spent hours talking on facetime together. When its just her and I things are fine between us but if she's at his girlfriends house she doesn't talk to me I've been recording this. Recently my son said they cant be on FaceTime with me while they are there. I've asked for them to have a private place to talk over there but it doesn't see, to be the case although he says they do bc I can always hear everyone around them when I talk with my son. There has been damage with a nasty divorce and I was prevented from seeing them for a year with a lie and false arrest that I eventually won at trial but we were separated without communication during the entire process for nearly a year I was just out of their lives one day bc he lies and said I hit him. I ended up having a mental break down and I broke the law and served 18 months so we were separated again my divorce went through while I was incarcerated and I now have supervised visitation with them but when that is over I will have them every other weekend. I plan to continue to pursue more and more time with them. They are my life and it has been the hardest thing to live without them and now to deal with his parental alienation tactics and hear how hurtful she can be but I feel its a protective mechanism for her. I need to know what to do and not do to help her and O create a bond again. Its been 6 months since I've had phone calls with them and regular supervised visits twice a month. I thought we would be so much closer than we are now. She doesn't tell me she loves me back she is distant if I talk about anything with substance like school activities or events but is very open about talking with me about her friends. I ty to find ways to connect with each of them but they are always shot down like offering to help with homework he says they have a routine and not to help them that its his time even though I could help on the phone support them. Im getting the same thing about her recent club FFA I sent a bunch of info to her after doing some research and he said I was rapid texting her and harrasing her. I thought I was supporting her and finding a connection and something to build on. Please help I dont know what to do or how to parent anymore. Growing's up becoming a mother was my dream and my life has just taken a serious turn and now I feel so lost. I used to be the one to do everything with them he wasn't involved at all then with the divorce and everything that happened he had to step up and Im glad he did but now he is being to protective over them and forcing me out of their lives.

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